Please join us as we discover how God Uses Everyday Things, Even a Pool Table, To Teach Us About Him.
Supporting Scriptures for "God's Instruction" Genesis 2:8-9 Genesis 2:15-17
Up to this point in our Billiard Bible Studies we have learned that the white cue ball reminds us of God, the completeness of His creation and the goodness of the world that we live in. We learned that the number "1" ball reminds us of the first man that God created and breathed life into. And we have used the triangle, or rack, to represent the Garden of Eden where God placed Adam to live. What was this garden like?
The Garden of Eden was filled with all sorts of beautiful trees producing delicious fruit. However, the Bible specifically mentions two fruit trees that God planted at the center of the garden. One was called the "Tree of Life" and one was called the "Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil."
Now God gave Adam the following instructions and warning about living in the garden. God told him, "Adam, you may eat from any fruit that grows in the garden except for the fruit that grows on the "Tree of the Knowledge of Good and evil. That is the only tree that I do not want you to eat from."
We are going to now introduce another pool table accessory into our story. We are going to use the chalk to represent the fruit off of this tree and even though there is no Biblical basis for thinking that this was an apple from an apple tree, we are going to pretend that this is an apple in order to avoid any "fruitless" discussion as to what type of fruit tree this was.
Getting back on track, God continues His warning to Adam. "If you eat the fruit from this tree, you will die. I only require that you turn away from this one tree."
Now let's stop and analyze this. Adam could choose any tree in the garden to eat from. He just had to turn away from this one tree.
Do you think that God was being unfair? Do you think that there was nothing wrong with God making this request? Why? What are your reason?
Question 1
Other than nourishment, what would a person gain by eating a piece of fruit from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil?
Genesis 3:6 - "The woman was convinced. The fruit looked so fresh and delicious, and it would make her so wise!"
Question 2
What would happen if a person would eat a piece of fruit from the Tree of Life?
Genesis 3:22 - "Then the Lord God said, "The people have become as we are, knowing everything, both good and evil. What if they eat the fruit of the Tree of Life? Then they will live forever!"
Question 3
Name some various fruit trees mentioned in Joel 1:12.
Joel 1:12 - "The grapevines and the fig trees have all withered. The pomegranate trees, palm trees, and apple trees - yes, all the fruit trees - have dried up. All joy has dried up with them."
Question 4
In Matthew 7:20, Jesus tells us that the way to identify a tree or a person is by the kind of fruit that is produced. From Galatians 5:22-23 name nine kinds of fruit that our lives should be producing.
Galatians 5:22-23 - "But when the Holy Spirit controls our lives, He will produce this kind of fruit in us: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Here there is no conflict with the law."
Question 5
Consider the possibility that eating any given fruit from the other trees in the Garden of Eden would have resulted in the nine characteristics found above in Galations 5:22-23. Just for fun, choose a fruit tree to associate with each of these fruits of the spirit and give an example of what change might occur in your life if you were to eat the fruit from that tree. See example below:
If a peach tree was the "Tree of Love," then I might exhibit loving qualities when I ate a peach.
For example: If my coworker who is always unkind to me needed a ride to work because her car was in the shop, I might eat a peach to give me the right heart and attitude to love her and offer to pick her up and take her home from work.
What kind of fruit tree would the "Tree of Joy" be?
Question 6
God compares Himself to a fruit tree in Hosea 14:8. What does God claim that He does for His people?
Hosea 14:8 - "O Israel, stay away from idols! I am the one who looks after you and cares for you. I am like a tree that is always green, giving my fruit to you all through the year."
Question 7
How does God respond to people who say that He is not just?
Ezekiel 33:17 - "Your people are saying, 'The Lord is not just,' but it is they who are not just."
Question 8
What does God say will happen to righteous people who turn to evil?
Ezekiel 33:18 - "For again I say, when righteous people turn to evil, they will die.
Question 9
What does God say will happen to wicked people who turn to do what is just and right?
Ezekiel 33:19 - "But if wicked people turn from their wickedness and do what is just and right, they will live."